Sometimes you have to replace your old PC with a better one. Nowadays, you can find models that are not only fast but also much smaller and more energy-efficient. This is a review of such a tiny but quite a powerful PC.
One of the nicest things added in the recent Windows 10 feature updates is the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Thanks to WSL, you can run Linux Bash commands inside a Command Prompt window. This requires fewer resources than a full virtual machine and has a built-in integration with Windows file system. It’s not enabled by default, but if you would like to try it, just follow this guide.
The main theme of the 9th edition of Riverwash party was the Wild West. At the beginning of September, about 150 cowboys and cowgirls travelled on their horses to Katowice in Poland. Some brought valuable goods with them. Let’s see if they left some gold nuggets there.
Have you ever been to a party organised in a forest and where most participants sleep in tents? That’s the experience offered by Solskogen party! Its recent edition took place between 14th and 16th July in Flateby, not too far away from Oslo. Let’s review newskool demos from the biggest demoscene party in Norway.
If you want to open an OpenGL window, most of tutorials and books will tell you to use GLFW, FreeGLUT or SDL framework. Just call glfwInit(), glfwCreateWindow() and you are done. However, if you need to write a size-limited executable or simply don’t want to create another dependency, you have to take care of this by yourself. This is how to do it “the hard way”.
If you decided to share your project’s source code, you still have to deliberately state what do you allow, and which rights you want to keep. While it is possible to write your own detailed licence, there’s probably no need to do it. The most common models have already been created. Let’s review some popular licence types.
There is one special day in a year when you can watch a live stream of a demo competition while eating your breakfast (sausages with mustard, anyone?). Thanks to the time zone difference, this happened to me on a Sunday morning, the second day of Tokyo Demo Fest 2017 party. Let’s review the releases made by our fellow demosceners from Japan.